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Advanced Flight Training

Professional Flight Training is an advanced flight training school located in New York providing a full line of Advanced Flight Training, focusing on transition training to Cessna CitationBeechcraft King Air series, and Any light twin Aircraft.

Professional Flight Training is also a provider of custom mentoring programs for owner/pilots and lower-time professional pilots looking to transition to VLJ’s in the near future. All Training is performed in your aircraft either at your location or ours.

  • Citation 500-I

  • Citation 550-II//S550/Bravo

  • Citation 560-V/Ultra

  • King Air A90/B90/C90/E90/F90

  • King Air A100/B100

  • King Air 200/B200

  • Navajo PA31 series


Professional Flight Training’s mission is to provide an outstanding Training Program for the Beechcraft King Air & Cessna Citation series aircraft through the use of actual “aircraft” training. Using only highly experienced instructors who actually have flight time in the aircraft being taught and have the enthusiasm to make training an event that you look forward to every time.


Please select from one of the options below for more information.

1- EMERGENCIES: Dealing with Emergencies both on the ground and in the air.

2- INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS: A step by step guide to flying from New York to London, across the North Atlantic.

3- THE STABILIZED APPROACH: The ultimate way to arrive.  Impress both co-pilot, passengers and cabin crew.

4- WAKE TURBULENCE: Detailed explanation about Wake Turbulence and Wing Tip Vortices.

5- LIVING WITH "I.S.A" AND THE "THREE CRUISES": High altitude flying and three ways to fly an airliner in cruise flight.

6- FLYING THE CABIN: Information about cabin pressurization. 

7- MORE ABOUT TURBOPROPS: Basic lessons on the B1900 turboprop and propellers.

8- ADVANCED FS TECHNIQUES: Recovering From a Bad Attitude"



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